How Many Times
How Many Times
How Many Times
How Many Times
How Many Times
How Many Times
How Many Times
How Many Times
How Many Times
How Many Times
How Many Times
How Many Times
Words, Images, Places.140th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Sofia as Capital
Sofia City Art Gallery, BG
13 September 2019 - 16 February 2020
Recent Myths with Traditional Patterns
An exhibition by Zara Alexandrova and Zoran Georgiev. GalleryGallery, Sofia, BG
10 January - 3 March 2020
How Many Times
Hospital For Lovers
2013, C-print, 40 x 60 cm each
What more influenced act the sensory perceptions and sensitive performances as to works of love, to enjoy and to feel. Is this harmonious balance is disturbed, there is confusion and abuse of mind and body. Counteract this, a process of healing a sick soul, an injury to feelings, a disappointed love is initiated.
The acupuncture is used to stimulate and revitalize the energy of love, which is in its infinite finitude of meaning of our doings, thinking and dreaming.

How Many Times

How Many Times

How Many Times

How Many Times